Indiana Location:

Ohio Location:

Attorney Serving Indiana and Ohio

Brian Can Handle All Your Probate Options

Lawyer Brian W. Kaiser knows the best methods to handle both large and small probate estates. This includes:

  • Determination of Claims
  • Debt Elimination
  • Determination of Probate vs Non-Probate Asset
  • Proper Transfer of Assets

Brian can advise you on what you need to know about probate laws that pertain to estates in Indiana and Ohio. Call 260-665-8040 in northeast Indiana, 419-636-8914 in northwest Ohio, or contact us online.

Consult with Brian When You Need a Probate Lawyer

Lawyer Brian W. Kaiser can explain the steps involved in the probate process and discuss alternatives available. These methods can include small estate affidavits, affidavits to transfer real estate, and simplified probate processes. We strive to find the easiest, most cost-effective methods available.

Brian can immediately advise you and take charge of the matter when a loved one has passed away. Call 260-665-8040 in northeast Indiana, 419-636-8914 in northwest Ohio, or contact us online.