Call Us to File Bankruptcy
in the
Western District of Michigan,
Northern District in Ohio &
Northern District in Indiana
Kaiser Law Offices Can Help You End Foreclosure and Collection Calls

For sound advice on Bankruptcy in the Western District of Michigan, Northern District in Ohio & Northern District in Indiana, depend on Kaiser Law Offices. Attorney Brian Kaiser offers his legal and financial expertise to help your situation.
If creditors are taking you to court, filing for bankruptcy under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 may provide protection. We can help end:
- Mortage Foreclosures
- Wage Garnishments
- Attachments
- Collection Calls
- Repossessions
- Sheriff Sales
For a free initial 30-minute bankruptcy consultation, call 260-665-8040 or 419-636-8914 or contact us online to schedule an appointment.
Determine Your Ability to File for Bankruptcy
Call 260-665-8040 for a free 30-minute initial bankruptcy consultation.
We will start the bankruptcy process with a consultation and ask you to bring four important sets of documents. These include:
- Notices received from court or creditors
- Current income statement
- Income tax records
- A list of your debts
The most common bankruptcy types are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. Each of them has an intended purpose and come with separate restrictions.
If you qualify, a Chapter 7 bankruptcy will wipe out your debts upon approval by the court. Usually, you make no debt payments nor lose any property.
Chapter 13 bankruptcies allow you to organize your debt obligations through a payment plan, eliminating those that are not in your best interest, while keeping control of your assets.
We are a debt relief agency.
We help people file for relief under the Bankruptcy Code.
The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements.
Use of this site does not constitute an attorney/client relationship.